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Ranching In The Summer

The higher temperatures and longer hours of sunshine can have an effect on cattle and their daily needs. As a result, summer can be a difficult time of year for many ranchers. The heat, the summer sicknesses, the cost of labor, etc.  It is wonderful that the cattle get to spend more time outside, but… [ view more ]

What are the Types of Ranching?

Ranching is a method of raising cattle or other livestock on pastureland. Although the term has become associated with the U.S., it’s also practiced around the globe.  In some countries, ranchers raise their animals in large open spaces, while in others they tend smaller herds in enclosed areas known as corrals. In India alone, over… [ view more ]

15 Facts about Ranching

1. Ranching is the practice of raising herds of animals on large tracts of land. 2. Ranching is common in temperate, dry areas, such as the Pampas region of South America, the western United States, the Prairie Provinces of Canada, and the Australian Outback 3. More than 700,000 cattle farms, ranches and feedyards exist in… [ view more ]

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