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Best Place To Buy A Ranch

Owning a ranch comes with a long list of benefits, especially here in the United States where we have one of the most diverse landscapes in the world. Ranches have been around for centuries and owning one can be a smart investment for yourself and your family to enjoy for years to come!  Here at Martinez Ranch Management, we have a variety of ranches for sale in Northern California. The land in California is perfect for hunting, the comfortable temperatures make it suitable for cattle ranching and the rolling hills allow you to take in the majestic mountain views! 

A beautiful cattle ranch located in Northern California

Why California/Oregon?

California is an attractive area in which to own a ranch due to a number of factors. In 2013, California passed the Urban Agricultural Incentive Zones Act to increase the amount of vacant and private land used for urban agriculture by offering reductions in property taxes and to expand its agricultural reach even further. 

Both the starting income and base income for farming in California are quite low, but don’t let that deter you from investing! California is still considered one of the best farming states to live in. Ranching is the number one land-use in California. The Bear Flag State has a year-round temperate climate which is not only good for crops but also makes for very comfortable living. Not to mention that it produces the most food in the United States. 

Owning a ranch means you can swap the hustle and bustle of city life for the relaxing and tranquil atmosphere of the countryside. Wake up in the mornings to the sounds of birds chirping rather than cars honking their horns. 

In California, there are a number of ranching communities that allow for this quaint and relaxing lifestyle. For example, Thousand Oaks is particularly popular amongst the equestrian community. The roads are built with plenty of public signage to accommodate horseback riding throughout the rolling hills.

Another benefit of owning a ranch in California are the attractive tax incentives offered. As a ranch owner, you can place your property into an Agricultural Conservation Easement, which ensures that your farm remains a farm forever. This can give you quite significant tax deductions. 


Although quite a large investment, in the long run, owning a ranch is worth every penny. If you are interested in investing in farmland or purchasing a ranch in the Northern California region and are looking for a real estate broker to help you with the process, do not hesitate to get in contact with us here at Martinez Ranch Management. 

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